Scorpion venom export in 2021 in bulk

After 15 years of research using snake and scorpion venom, we have succeeded in making a protein compound that has tested its effects on many cell lines, including breast, lung, blood, and uterine cancer cells, and achieved very good results in the animal stage. For more information on scorpion venom export visit our site.

Scorpion venom export in 2021 in bulk

What is scorpion venom used for?

What is scorpion venom used for? After 15 years of research, our researchers have managed to make some sort of anti-cancer drug combination using snake and scorpion toxins. This combination of drugs can affect a number of cells, affecting 4 common types of cancer, including blood cancers, lung, uterine, and breast cancers.

Iran is one of the few countries to achieve this scientific feat, and human trials of this new compound called ICD85 will begin after obtaining permission from the Ministry of Health, according to the Head of the Poisonous Animals Institute. Researchers have developed a very effective method for locating brain cancer cells using infrared sensors and an amino acid found in scorpion venom. Researchers have developed a new imaging technique that helps surgeons find malignant brain tumors during surgery, and lab results show that this method is very promising.

The technique combines a high-sensitivity infrared camera with a substance made from amino acids found in scorpion venom. Glioma, a deadly type of brain tumor, can be extremely difficult to treat. Scorpions come in a variety of colors including brownish-yellow, brown, gray, and black, and their sizes range from 1.5 to 18 cm, but they can cross gaps up to 3mm wide due to their flat, straight body shape. enter human habitation. Scorpions are the only creatures that are not affected by radioactive radiation.

The weakest scorpions tolerate 40,000 rods (units of absorbing ion-generating radiation) that are less than 600 bars in humans and thus survive even an atomic explosion. Scorpion stings do not play a role in the condensation or danger of the poison. However, it can be said that scorpion venom concentrates in arid and tropical regions in Iran.

Fortunately, even the most dangerous scorpions do not usually inject all of their venoms when bitten by humans; Because the scorpion saves on venom consumption and always tries to repel the enemy with a short injection of the enzyme at the first bite, it only has to inject its main venom if it is caught and there is no escape route. Scorpions need more food to replace their venom, so they don’t want to waste their venom. For more information on extract scorpion venom visit our site.

Exporting scorpion venom in bulk

Exporting scorpion venom in bulk Exporting scorpion venom in bulk is possible by our company and we also export this product to other countries with good and suitable packaging. Therefore, for more information about scorpion venom price per gram, you can visit our site.

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