Scorpion venom Wholesale Supplier

Hemiscorpius scorpions belong to the family Hemiscorpiidae. Hemispheric scorpions have 15 known subspecies in the world. Of these 15 subspecies, 6 subspecies have been identified in Iran, 5 of which are endemic to Iran and have not been identified in other parts of the world. The only species that can be seen outside the borders of Iran is the Scorpio or Hemiscorpius lepturus. For more information about Scorpion venom Wholesale Supplier, visit our site.

Scorpion venom Wholesale Supplier

How is scorpion venom extraction?

How is scorpion venom extraction? Due to the similarity of the appearance of all 6 subspecies in Iran, people confuse all subspecies with the subspecies of Guardiola and all subspecies are known as the Guardiole, while the Guardiole Scorpion is only one of the six known subspecies in Iran. Guardian scorpion bites are very common and well known in the south, and many people are injured by Guardian scorpion bites every year. In the subspecies of Hemispherpius leptrus or Guardiola, the body size of an adult scorpion is reported to be between 50 and 85 mm. The bodyguard scorpion is very flat and slender and is usually yellow or yellowish brown, and a A dark longitudinal band is visible on the abdomen of the Guardian scorpion.

The tail length of the Guardian scorpion is usually longer than other scorpions, and the Guardian scorpion has been reported more than the sultry, humid and hot regions of Asia and the Middle East. Guardian scorpions usually enter homes in hot, humid and hot regions of Asia and the Middle East. And this scorpion feeds on insects and arthropods. Gadium scorpion hides its very narrow and flat body between the seams and grooves. The site of a Guardiola scorpion bite is very similar to a grade 3 burn, and the healing of a Guardiola Scorpion bite is very slow and time-consuming. Gadium scorpion venom is very strong and contains neurotoxic, cardiotoxic and hemotoxic.

Guardium scorpion venom causes superficial spread of necrosis of damaged tissue (Guardium scorpion venom is very similar to the venom of some snakes) and causes secondary kidney failure in the affected person. Many cases of scorpion bites of this type of Guardian scorpion have caused death. In Iran, 2 to 5 percent of this type of scorpion bite by the Guardian scorpion leads to death. For more information about scorpion venom buyers, visit our site.

Bulk suppliers of Scorpion venom

Bulk suppliers of Scorpion venom scorpion venom medical research The condition of a person who has been bitten by a scorpion should not be considered insignificant, because the patient’s life is in danger and negligence in this case will cause the death of the person bitten by the scorpion. Therefore, our company, which is one of the Bulk suppliers of Scorpion venom, offers this product to the market at a good price, which you can visit our site to buy.

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