Snake venom distributors in bulk

When a person is bitten by a venomous snake, often the only way out is to inject an antidote, but the antidote production process is costly and time consuming and must be injected by specialists in medical centers. Although the antidote to snake bites is sure to save lives, it is expensive and time consuming to produce and must be performed by qualified and trained physicians. However, a new and inexpensive version has now been developed that can be used by the individual immediately after the bite. The antidote is traditionally produced with the first venom from captured snake teeth, then a small amount of the venom is injected into animals such as horses. There are many snake venom distributors in the world .

Snake venom distributors in bulk

How does snake venom help humans?

How does snake venom help humans? To produce snake venom, you must first prepare special glass, then close the glass lid with a thin layer of rubber. The snake will then be restrained using a stick placed behind the snake’s neck. Then they close the snake’s mouth towards the glass. At this stage, the snake bites the rubber cover of the glass and a few drops of snake venom are poured into the glass. Of course, if the snakes are snakes, the rubber cover is no longer placed on the glass opening, but the poisonous snake teeth are placed directly inside the glass.

Then, with a little pressure on the snake’s venom gland, the snake venom spills into the glass. The concentration of venom produced depends on the type of snake. In the next step, the produced toxin is placed in a dryer in suitable conditions. The dried toxin can be stored in a place away from light, heat and moisture for a long time. In our country, most venomous snakes are cobras. Older snake venom has a darker color and young snake venom has a lighter color. In addition, the venom of male cobras is higher than that of female cobras. It should be noted that the venom of a baby snake can kill an adult.

These organisms react with the toxin by producing antibodies or antibodies that neutralize the venom, and then these antibodies are removed from their blood, purified, and then used as an antidote. But this is a long process. In addition, those who extract the venom are at risk of being bitten by snakes. In addition, the antidote must be injected intravenously and normally into a hospital or clinic. Unfortunately, a large percentage of venomous snake bites occur in agricultural and remote areas and in developing countries, where health facilities are usually scarce.

This particular substance binds to a deadly venom, which is the “active ingredient” in the venom of approximately 75% of venomous snakes, and neutralizes it. snake venom medicine name is Dimercaprol .

Distributing Snake venom in bulk

Distributing Snake venom in bulk .The study, published in collaboration with researchers from the Technical University of Denmark and the University of Munster, is published in the journal Medicinal Chemistry. Snake venom used in chemotherapy is very useful.

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