Snake venom Exporting Countries

The word “poison” is one of those words that even hearing it causes people’s faces to Snake venom to fall apart; A word that may have a negative and unpleasant meaning, but it is not as harmful as its name suggests. In fact, although the word venom often reminds people of dangerous bites from snakes, scorpions, and a variety of terrifying creatures, this poisonous liquid has amazing properties in its own right. In fact, poisons can be used for a variety of therapeutic purposes. For many years, since the advent of traditional medicine, pharmacists have used their knowledge to make chemical changes to a variety of toxins to turn them into healing drugs. These days, with the increase in world population, the need to use a variety of poisons to prepare antidotes has a hot market to the extent that up to 30% of the world’s most expensive drugs are drugs that are made with a combination of poisons.

Snake venom Exporting Countries

Can Snake venom cure cancer marvel?

Can Snake venom cure cancer marvel? Studies show that the venom of various snakes can attack cancer cells in humans in unique ways. For the studyfrom around the world housed in a special, secure room on the campus of the University of North Carolina at the University of California, Los Angeles, for researchers to access. From rattlesnakes to snakes, researchers extracted the venom of each snake and studied its compounds and proteins. “Snake venom compounds have evolved to kill other animals and destroy living systems,” said Stephen Mackessy, a professor at the University of Northern Colorado School of Biology. “It makes sense to seek treatment in them.” Snake venom has been used to treat problems such as high blood pressure in millions of people around the world since the 1950s. However, this is the first study on the possible uses of the toxin compounds in the fight against various forms of cancer.snake venom therapy treatment

Exporting Countries for Snake venom

Exporting Countries for Snake venom In the meantime, being equipped with the knowledge to produce healing drugs is also important. This is important because the primary means of preparing an antidote is to have a variety of pristine and pure poisons. Unfortunately, many countries that export poisons do not have the necessary laboratory and pharmaceutical facilities to make specialized drugs; Countries that are mainly in the group of less developed or developing countries and as a result have a considerable distance to have the capacity to produce certain drugs. However, if the mentioned countries had the necessary scientific power to produce expensive and specialized drugs, they would face many times more commercial profit. However, countries importing poisons pay significant sums for this precious liquid; Amounts that sometimes run into the millions of dollars and as a result can provide a significant portion of the exporting countries’ foreign exchange reserves. It goes without saying that the major importers of poison in the world are large drug-producing countries such as Germany. In the following, we take a look at the situation of countries that export poison; Countries that are economically sweetened by the export of bitter poisons.snake venom therapy

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