Snake venom Global production in 2021

Most humans are afraid of snakes, and of course they are right, because many snakes are venomous, and if they bite humans, they can die if left untreated. Non-venomous snakes usually live in humid areas and around rivers and seas, and venomous snakes usually live on land, rocks and deserts. In addition, sometimes a poisonous snake is found in warm seas and lakes, the venom of which is several times more than the venom of a cobra. All venomous snakes that live on land are called snakes. For more information about Snake venom Global production in 2021, visit our site.

Snake venom Global production in 2021

Is snake venom used in chemotherapy?

Is snake venom used in chemotherapy? Snake venom can affect various biological molecules, cells, tissues, and organs due to its medicinal and physiological effects; Therefore, it is used in the pharmaceutical industry. Captopril is a drug used to treat high blood pressure and heart disease and is perhaps one of the most famous examples of snake venom in the pharmaceutical industry. The study of the effects of peptides in the dark venom of snake venom (Viprida) led to the identification of enzymes that affect heart function and blood pressure, and ultimately the production of this drug led to a revolution in the treatment of cardiovascular disease. Poisonous snake venoms and their use in medicine Some of the peptides in venom have anti-bleeding properties.

This substance is used to make medicine to prevent bleeding during open-heart surgery. On the other hand, today with the issue of antibiotic resistance, compounds with antibacterial and antifungal properties can lead to the discovery of new antibiotics. Poison is hydrolyzed due to its complex biological and medicinal compounds such as enzymatic and non-enzymatic proteins and peptides, various minerals, and non-minerals. This property can be used to treat various diseases, including cancer. A pharmaceutical company near Hamburg, Germany, has a special farm for keeping and breeding poisonous snakes. In Iran, a combination of snake venom has been extracted that stops the growth of cancer cells by 20% and causes the natural death of these cells.

In fact, it turns malignant cancerous tumors into benign ones. Snake venom is also used as a primary medicine in strokes and heart attacks. In such cases, a venomous substance derived from snakes called Ancrod should be used. This substance quickly dilutes the blood. If you use this substance for up to six hours after a stroke, you can hope to prevent possible brain damage. It should be noted here that each ampoule of 10 cc of antidote is priced at $ 52, but the global price is $ 40. In fact, from each gram of dry snake venom, about 1,500 vials of antidote are produced (each vial is equivalent to 10 cc). With a simple calculation, it can be concluded that each gram of dry snake venom can be equivalent to 680 barrels of export oil for our country. For more information about snake venom uses, visit our site.

Global demand for Snake venom in 2021

Global demand for Snake venom in 2021 Global demand for Snake venom in 2021 is accompanied by good growth, so that the properties of this product are very high and cure many diseases, and on the other hand, the affordable price of this product has caused it to maintain its place in the market. Therefore, you can visit our site for more information about snake venom medicine.

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