Snake venom international merchandise trade in 2021

The subject of poisoning and preparation of serums and vaccines is a completely scientific and complex task. It is said that the quality of the venom of farmed snakes is not like that of natural snakes requires research. Therefore, research on the quality of animal venom in captivity is the subject of another university research project. One of our tasks at the university is to improve the use of snake venom while preserving the environment. We can not harm the animals and we always try to save the animals, so we have implemented joint projects. For more information about Snake venom international merchandise trade in 2021, visit our site.

Snake venom international merchandise trade in 2021

How to use snake venom in medicine?

How to use snake venom in medicine? What are the benefits of snakes for humans? Most people are afraid of snakes and of course they are right because many snakes are poisonous and if they bite humans, there is a possibility of death if not treated medically. But snakes also have benefits for humans, especially in the medical field. Read more about the benefits of snakes in medical matters. Due to its pharmacological and physiological effects, poison can affect various biological molecules, cells, tissues and organs, so it has the potential to be used in the pharmaceutical industry.

Captopril, a drug used to treat high blood pressure and heart disease, is perhaps one of the most well-known examples of snake venom in the pharmaceutical industry. The study of the effects of peptides in the dark poison of snake venom (Viprida) led to the identification of enzymes that affect heart function and blood pressure, which ultimately led to the revolution in the treatment of cardiovascular disease. Some of the peptides in the poison, such as textilinin, have anti-bleeding properties. On the other hand, in today’s world of antibiotic resistance, compounds with antibacterial and antifungal properties can lead to the discovery of new antibiotics.

Poison is hydrolyzed due to its complex biological and medicinal compounds such as enzymatic and non-enzymatic proteins and peptides, different minerals and its own non-mineral substances. This property can be used in the treatment of various diseases, including cancer, and open up new avenues in treatment. In Iran, a combination of snake venom has been extracted, which has stopped the growth of cancer cells by 20% and caused the natural death of these cells. This substance has actually turned a malignant cancer mass into a benign one.

Snake venom can also be used specifically as a primary drug in strokes and heart attacks. Exactly in such cases, a poisonous substance derived from snakes called “Ancrod” should be used, which causes rapid blood thinning. If this effective substance is used, it can be used up to six hours after a stroke. He hoped to prevent possible brain damage.For more information on snake venom used in chemotherapy visit our site.

International merchandise trade of Snake venom

International merchandise trade of Snake venom International merchandise trade of Snake venom is associated with good growth because this product has different applications in various medical and industrial sectors, so you can go to the site for more information about the trade of this product and snake venom medicine uses.

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