Snake venom types for sale

Venomous snake venom is a liquid secretion produced by the venom glands specific to venomous snakes. Snakes use this venom to disable the prey and help with the digestive process. The main constituent of snake venom is protein. It also contains enzymes that accelerate chemical reactions that in turn break the chemical bonds between large molecules. These enzymes are effective in digesting carbohydrates, proteins, phospholipids and nucleotides of the prey body. Snake venom cures some diseases.

Snake venom types are divided into three parts:

  • Cytotoxins
  • neurotoxins
  • homotoxins

Snake venom types for sale

What are the 3 types of snake venom?

What are the 3 types of snake venom? snake venom effects in each type have certain characteristics.


Cytotoxins are toxic substances that kill cells in the body and may cause the death of most or all of the cells in a tissue or organ. These substances cause a complication called dead tissue. Some tissues may develop tissue condensation. Tissue determination means the change of the general state or part of the tissue from solid to liquid. Cytotoxin facilitates digestion of prey. Cytotoxins are usually short for the type of cell affected.


Neurotoxins are a group of chemicals that poison the nervous system. These substances exert their effect by disrupting the transmission of chemical signals (neurotransmitters) between nerve cells. The presence of neurotoxins may lead to decreased production of neurotransmitters or obstruction of neurotransmitter reception sites.


Homotoxin is a blood toxin that, in addition to its cytotoxic effects, disrupts the natural process of blood clotting. These toxins cause the red blood cells to open in succession, interfere with blood clotting and tissue death, and damage various tissues. The destruction of red blood cells and the inability to clot leads to severe internal bleeding. Another complication is the accumulation of dead red blood cells that interfere with proper kidney function. While some homotoxins prevent blood from clotting, others cause platelets and other blood cells to stick together.

Purchase Snake venom types in bulk

Purchase Snake venom types in bulk The sale of snake venom in Iran by the distribution center and does this so that buyers provide different types of snake venom with reasonable prices and excellent quality from these centers. To buy this product in bulk in the market through its direct distribution and sales centers, because in this center, due to the elimination of intermediaries and direct sales, various types of snake venom are offered to dear customers at a much cheaper price than the market and excellent quality. Buyers of snake venom, especially major buyers who are looking to buy in high volume and cheap prices, can contact these centers and after receiving the necessary information about prices and payment terms, proceed to purchase this product.

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