Snake venom Wholesale Market

Resistance of pathogenic bacteria to antibiotics is one of the major public health problems in the world. With the discovery and use of new antibiotics, some pathogenic bacteria gradually become resistant to them. The identification of molecules effective in the treatment of diseases from various biological sources such as plants and poisonous animals such as snakes has been considered. Snake bites contain a lot of bacteria. Despite this infection, bacterial infection at the site of the bite is rare. This indicates that snake venom contains molecules with antibacterial properties. For more information about Snake venom Wholesale Market, visit our site.

Snake venom Wholesale Market

What are the benefits of snake venom?

What are the benefits of snake venom? Venomous snake venom is a liquid secretion produced by the venom glands specific to venomous snakes. Snakes use this venom to disable the prey and help with the digestive process. The main constituent of snake venom is protein. It also contains enzymes that accelerate chemical reactions, which in turn break the chemical bonds between large molecules. These enzymes are effective in digesting carbohydrates, proteins, phospholipids, and nucleotides of the prey body. Although venomous snakes are composed of a complex set of toxic compounds, enzymes, and non-toxic substances, they are historically divided into three main types: cytotoxins, neurotoxins, and homotoxins.

Other types of toxins secreted by snakes affect certain parts of the cells and include cardiotoxin, myotoxin, and nephrotoxin.


Cytotoxins are toxic substances that kill cells in the body and may cause the death of most or all of the cells in a tissue or organ. These substances cause a complication called dead tissue. Some tissues may develop tissue condensation. Tissue determination means changing the general state or part of the tissue from solid to liquid. Cytotoxins make digestion easier for prey. Cytotoxins are usually specific to the type of cell affected. A group of cytotoxins that attack heart cells is called cardotoxin.

Myotoxins target muscle cells and convert them to fluid. But the group that kills kidney cells are nephrotoxins.

Neurotoxin ‌ Neurotoxins are a group of chemicals that poison the nervous system. These substances exert their effect by disrupting the transmission of chemical signals (neurotransmitters) between nerve cells. The presence of neurotoxins may lead to decreased production of neurotransmitters or obstruction of neurotransmitter reception sites. Other snake neurotoxins block calcium output voltage channels and potassium output voltage channels.

These channels are very important in transmitting and conducting signals among nerve cells. Neurotoxins cause muscle paralysis. This type of toxin may lead to respiratory problems and death. Snakes of the Elapidae family usually produce neurotoxic venom. Types of neurotoxins, venomous snakes:

Calciptin: These neurotoxins disrupt nerve conduction by blocking calcium output voltage channels. Black mammals produce this type of poison.

Cabrotoxin: By producing this type of neurotoxin, cobras block the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, leading to paralysis of prey.

Calcidyl: This neurotoxin, like calciptin, interferes with nerve signals by blocking calcium output voltage channels. Calcitonin can be found in eastern green mammals. For more information about snake venom medicine uses, visit our site.

Bulk marketing of Snake venom

Bulk marketing of Snake venom Bulk marketing of Snake venom is possible by our expert unit and we deliver this product to the customer with special packages, so you can refer to our site for more information about snake venom heart medicine.

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