Special Sale of King Cobra Poison

King Cobra is the world’s longest venomous snake. This species of cobra is the exclusive native of the forests of South Asia, Southeast Asia and India. King Cobra has a very strong and dangerous poison. King Cobra Poison can easily kill an adult elephant, which makes it one of the most dangerous venoms in the world. It is known as one of the most expensive venoms because Its protein is used to make very strong painkillers.

Special Sale of King Cobra Poison

Incredible Information of King Cobra Poison

Incredible Information of King Cobra Poison Information about the deadly cobra The deadly cobra is the longest snake among all venomous snakes and can easily earn the title of “King”. This powerful reptile feeds more than other snakes and can survive in the wild for decades, as there are very few other animals that can threaten and kill the king cobra’s life. King cobras are found mostly in the rainforests and swamps of Asia, preferring densely vegetated habitats such as bamboo hills and mangrove shrubs.Venomous snakes are generally divided into two types based on their venom type: neurotoxic and hemotoxic. A neurotoxic toxin is any type of toxin that directly affects the human or animal nervous system. Hemotoxins, on the other hand, affect blood flow and are commonly found in rattlesnakes and vipers. King-Cobra Poison Information The king cobra venom is a neurotoxin, and very little of it enters the prey when it bites. But even this small amount can paralyze its prey. The snake’s venom is so venomous that it can kill a human in a matter of minutes and a large animal such as an elephant in a matter of hours after a bite.

Medical Properties of King Cobra Poison

Medical Properties of King Cobra Poison King Cobra has countless abilities, including the ability to adapt to new conditions. This snake can quickly adapt to its new environment. You should also know that the king cobra has a very strong visual ability so that it can detect its prey from a maximum distance of 91 meters. The sense of smell of this reptile is also unique and it is one of the tallest bilingual languages ​​in the world. It is interesting to know that the king cobra, like other snakes in the world, uses its tongue to sniff. Although this snake has no ears, it can sense the movements that take place on the ground.

Scientists have found that the same venom that causes terrible complications and even death in a snakebite can be used as medicine. Symptoms of King Cobra bites include drowsiness, respiratory problems, paralysis of the limbs, seizures, headache, and anesthesia. Among the medical properties of king cobra: can be called the treatment of neurological diseases. Studies have shown that king cobra can be used as a sedative and in the treatment of autoimmune diseases, osteoarthritis, cancer and cleansing the body of cancerous tumors. Different poisons do different things for the human body. For example, many snakes have venom that targets the victim’s circulatory system and kills red blood cells as it spreads. But king cobra venom inhibits communication between nerve cells, which can cause severe dizziness, blurred vision and often paralysis. The victim of a human bite can die within 30 minutes unless a proper antidote is administered immediately. One of the species of King Cobra is King Cobra. The King-Cobra Poison Properties venom are similar to those of King Cobra venom.

King Cobra Poison at Best Price

King Cobra Poison at Best Price The King-Cobra Poison Price is very high Due to the dangerous availability of cobra venom, this substance is very expensive. Currently, countries such as Germany and France sell cobra venom at high prices. This issue has closed the eyes of many manufacturers of this product to preserve such a valuable life. It is interesting to know that a special protein is found in the venom of the king cobra snake, which we know as ohanin. This protein is used to make very strong painkillers, the painkiller containing Ohanin is 20 times more effective than the painkillers containing morphine. And that’s what makes poison so expensive. But there are some markets that sell this poison at the best price.


  1. At present, countries such as Germany and France pay $ 30,000 per ounce of cobra venom. This issue has closed the eyes of many manufacturers of this product to preserve such a valuable life.

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